Lorem Ipsum

2 min read

Test description

My Blog Post

Here's a cool YouTube video:

Some text in between...

Check out this TikTok:

Here's a great song:

And this YouTube video is interesting:

Test Embed:

Did you see this tweet?

Testing MDX Features

So I've been working on this blog for a while now, and I wanted to test out all the MDX features I've added. Here's a quick rundown:

Code Blocks

Here's some TypeScript I wrote the other day:

function calculateStuff(x: number): number {
    return x * Math.PI; // because why not

And some CSS I'm not sure about:

.weird-button {
    background: conic-gradient(from 45deg, #ff0000, #00ff00, #0000ff);
    transform: skew(10deg);
    /* Is this too much? */

Lists and Stuff

List of things:

  • What
  • is
  • this
  • list

List 2: Electric Boogaloo

  1. This
  2. is
  3. a
  4. list

Things I need to do:

  • Fix that annoying bug
  • Write more blog posts
  • Stop procrastinating on Twitter
  • Add MDX support


Sometimes I just need to quote myself because I'm that profound

-- Me, probably


Next.jsUsingPretty good
RemixMaybe?On the list

Inline Stuff

You can do italic and bold and even both. And if you're feeling fancy, you can code inline too.

That's about it for now. Might add more features later if I feel like it. Or not. We'll see.

P.S. Here's another song I've been listening to while coding:

Fear has killed more dreams than failure ever will.
© 2024 Amey Ambade
Houston, TX